illustrated by B. Bicknell
...Preceded by Chaos is a graphic illustrated series, charting the dramatic past, present and future of a young emergency room doctor, as the stress of saving lives threatens to overwhelm him. Mitchell Weaver is a troubled young Emergency Medicine doctor, orbiting a world of high-stress, intense pressure. It’s a distinguished profession with the burden of a variety of particularly disturbing personal demons that he must battle in order to maintain the façade of sanity and control. The third instalment of the series, Volume -1, takes place before the first book in the series, Volume 0, before Mitchell’s attempt at sobriety and self-awareness. During this chapter Mitchell travels to Spain in an attempt to find a part of himself that his been lost. But ultimately, Mitchell’s trip to Barcelona may be an escape more than journey.
My review:
Reading this book was like stepping into the swirling vortex of a nightmare. The agony, torment and confusion of the protagonist was palpable. Mitchell is lost, his addiction to drugs and alcohol has completely taken over his life and imminent tragedy seems almost inevitable.
Some of the scenes in this book were incredibly painful to read, for example, we find Mitchell collapsed in a toilet at work after self administering a cocktail of drugs through an IV. He's a doctor in a busy hospital, and his only way of surviving his shift is to try and balance the various drugs he is taking so that he can function. Throughout the story, Mitchell battles with the Bull, a manifestation of his inner demons. He tries everything to placate this angry and violent tormentor who seems hellbent on destroying him.
His trip to Spain is a spiral of drugs, alcohol, sex, hallucination and lost time. He goes in search of inspiration, but it becomes instead an escape from responsibility and reality. I haven't read the other two books in the series, but if this prequel's purpose is to expose Mitchell's darker side, and show us how far he had fallen before he decided to seek redemption... then it's a resounding success.
...Preceded by Chaos Vol. -1 is part graphic novel and the images really add to the tone of the story.
Information about the Book
Title: … Preceded by Chaos Vol -1 (…Preceded by Chaos #3)
Author: M. Wheeler
Release Date: 26th June 2018
Genre: Graphic Novel
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Format: Paperback